Articles on: Notification

Email Notifications via TrackingMore

TrackingMore allows its users to send email notifications for different shipments statuses. With swift email notifications, you can keep your customers updated about their order status.

📧 Enable email notifications

Log in to your TrackingMore account
Go to the Notifications tab to access 'Email & SMS' settings
Enable email notifications as per business requirements: notifications to your customers & to your internal users
Edit sender info: both sender email address & sender name

Notifications to customers: enable one or more shipment statuses (transit, pickup,delivered, undelivered, exception) you want notifications to your customers & edit email template

Notifications to your internal users: you can go to "notifications to you" in "Email & SMS" notifications or go to TrackingMore settings
---> Notifications to enable email or SMS notificaion for the 5 statuses(transit, pickup,delivered, undelivered, exception)

1. Right now there are only 5 shipment statuses both users & users' customers will receive mail with the shipment status updates.
2. You need edit each email template in each different shipment status.
3. Please make sure you fill in your customers' valid email address when importing shipments so that your customers will receive the notificaions.

After email notification enabled, you can check whether email sent successfully in notifications history or in events of a specific tracking number in shipments page.
Notifications history

Events in TrackingMore shipments page

In case you need help with setting up email notifications, contact our customer service support team at or on the live chat right away. 🙂

Updated on: 30/05/2024

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