Articles on: API & Webhook

TrackingMore API Request Rate Limit

TrackingMore API has a rate limit per account to optimize performance. Learn more about our rate limits and how to use them.

Please give us time to process your requests. If you're sending too many requests too quickly, we'll respond with a 429 error code (TooManyRequests), your application should not send any further requests and wait 120 secs.

You are limited to only 3 or 10 requests/sec per API per account. Practically, this means you must (when possible) authenticate users so that limits are well outside the reach of a given user.

Below is Endpoint specific default rate limit

POST /trackings/batch10v4
Get /trackings/get10V4
PUT /trackings/update10V4
DELETE /trackings/delete10V4
POST /trackings/retrack10V4
POST /awb10V4
GET /couriers/all10V4
POST /couriers/detect10V4

1. There is not the upper limitation and it can be negotiable in the Premier/Enterprise Plan (You can refer to the TrackingMore Pricing List);
2. At the current V4 API rate, it is enough for most of our clients, even if you have 1M~2M shipments per month because it’s defaulted by 10 requests/s as you can see the below calculations:
1 day=24hrs=86,400s, so 86.4w requests/day in total=86,400s*10requests;
1 month=30days=2,592,000s, so 2592w requests/month in total=2,592,000s*10requests;
3. At V2 or V3 API rate, it’s defaulted by 1 requests/s;
4. It's suggested to switch to API V4 version if you do have more requests within 1 second.
5. If you want 10 higher requests/s, kindly please contact us at

Updated on: 30/05/2024

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