Articles on: Settings

Auto-correct Couriers with TrackingMore

TrackingMore auto-corrects any wrong courier info and updates the tracking status. When enabled, it helps solve shipments incorrectly showing "Not found".

➡️ Modify settings for accurate carrier auto-correction

Go to your TrackingMore settings > Couriers

Enable the feature of "auto-correction" if you are under the lower plan than plus plan by clicking "enable" & go to upgrade to $39 or higher plan.
(You may find this doc about upgrading plan useful)
Enable "auto-correction"
Set up active couriers: go to "inactive" section & search the courier to be active, then "enable" it
Set up active couriers
Set up exception rule for the active courier: go to "active" section, click "exception config" to set up more info: how long no update to be set as "exception" & tracking language
Set up exception config

1. If you are under the plus or higher plan, you don't need to upgrade the plan;
2. You can disable it anytime by clicking "disable" on the right top;
Disable auto-correction
3. The tracking language depends on whether the courier official web supports it.

Updated on: 14/04/2023

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