How to integrate with Slack
Plans: Pro & higher plans, Platforms: TrackingMore Shopify App
You can integrate Slack with TrackingMore - Order Tracking App to send proactive delivery updates to shoppers through Slack.
Install TrackingMore - Order Tracking App and subscribe to a Pro Plan

Go to Integration and connect Slack
Go to navigation "Integration" > search slack > click Connect

Set the shipping status update

Install TrackingMore in Slack
Click install TrackingMore in slack & go to slack page to sign in slack or create a slack account to connect

After installed, the status update will show like this below, for example, update delivered status

1. If you haven't installed TrackingMore in Slack, click Turn On to directly install it.

2. If you've installed TrackingMore in Slack but disabled it, click Turn On to reactivate the status update feature without reinstalling.
So does Connect
1. If you haven't connected TrackingMore to Slack, click Connect to directly establish the connection.

2. If you've connected TrackingMore to Slack but it's currently inactive, click Connect to reactivate the status update feature without reconnecting.
You can integrate Slack with TrackingMore - Order Tracking App to send proactive delivery updates to shoppers through Slack.
How to integrate Slack with TrackingMore - Order Tracking App
Install TrackingMore - Order Tracking App and subscribe to a Pro Plan

Go to Integration and connect Slack
Go to navigation "Integration" > search slack > click Connect

Set the shipping status update

Install TrackingMore in Slack
Click install TrackingMore in slack & go to slack page to sign in slack or create a slack account to connect

After installed, the status update will show like this below, for example, update delivered status

1. If you haven't installed TrackingMore in Slack, click Turn On to directly install it.

2. If you've installed TrackingMore in Slack but disabled it, click Turn On to reactivate the status update feature without reinstalling.
So does Connect
1. If you haven't connected TrackingMore to Slack, click Connect to directly establish the connection.

2. If you've connected TrackingMore to Slack but it's currently inactive, click Connect to reactivate the status update feature without reconnecting.
Updated on: 26/12/2023
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