How to use the "logistics channel"?

If you're looking for ways to add additional information to TrackingMore in an attempt to further sort out shipments, enter "Logistics Channel."

What is a "logistics channel"?

When registering a tracking number in TrackingMore's system, the "logistics channel" parameter is originally intended to specify the logistics service. The value may contain up to 100 alphanumeric characters.
After passing the values to TrackingMore, you can use them to filter shipments, create custom views, and conduct analytics as needed.

4 ways to use "logistics channel"

1. Filter shipments by logistics channel

Go to "Shipment Dashboard" and click "More filters."

TrackingMore Shipment Dashboard Filters
Go to the "Channel" section in the slide menu. You can enter keywords to conduct a search. Alternatively, you may choose one or more values in the list.

Filter by Logistics Channel - TrackingMore Dashboard
Finally, click "Done" to apply the filter immediately.

2. Create custom views

If you need to apply the filter many times in the future, saving the custom view is recommended. Here's how to do this.

After applying the filter, the "Save as" button will appear on the right side.

Click "Save as," enter the view name, and click "Save."

Save Custom View - TrackingMore Dashboard

Name Custom View - TrackingMore Dashboard

The custom view will be added before the "+" button.

Custom View Tab - TrackingMore Dashboard

3. Set up periodic exports by view

If you wish to conduct data analysis by yourself while getting a copy of the data delivered to your inbox regularly, you can rely on the CSV "Periodic export" feature.

Go to** "Shipment Dashboard,"** apply the filters you need to create/modify a custom view and save it.

Next, click "Export" and choose "Periodic export" to start configuring the settings.

To enable the feature, you should toggle the switch by choosing "Featured enabled." As for the "Export view," select the view from the options in the dropdown. To include all columns, tick the box before "Select all columns."

Periodic Export (CSV) - TrackingMore Dashboard
Finally, don't forget to click the "Update my plan" button at the bottom of the pop-up window. Otherwise, changes can't be saved.

4. View analytics by channel

Instead, if you want to analyze shipments without leaving TrackingMore's user portal, go to "Analytics" and click the "More filters" button at the top right corner.

Filter by Logistics Channel - TrackingMore Analytics
Then, you can easily filter the shipments by channel. Just search keywords or select from the options.

7 real-world use cases of "logistics channel"

1. Evaluate different logistics services

Suppose you're using USPS to ship parcels. You're interested in the differences between its shipping services, such as USPS Priority Mail, USPS First Class Mail, USPS Ground, USPS Registered Mail, etc.
When registering the tracking numbers, it's recommended that you provide the information on logistics channels, along with the courier code, USPS.

2. Distinguish warehouse locations

If you operate multiple warehouses, consider using the "logistics channel" to mark the warehouse locations, e.g., US-E and US-W. If it's important for you to keep track of the inbound and outbound operations, add corresponding words in the end to facilitate tracking.

3. Keep track of merchants' performances

As for the online marketplace working closely with many merchants to ensure customer satisfaction, keeping track of merchants' delivery performances is essential. However, their courier partners differ. In this case, you may use the merchant ID as the parameter value.
By doing so, you can get an overview of the levels of their shipping services and remind them to address delivery issues before customers notice them.

4. Monitor inventory & fulfillment process

If you're working with multiple dropshipping suppliers to fulfill orders, it's wise to use the logistics channel. This can help you track all orders in one place. The best thing? Apart from the above benefits, you can inform customers in real time.

5. Optimize logistics operations for selling on multiple e-commerce platforms

Suppose you sell on various e-commerce platforms and partner with different groups of courier partners as per the requirements of these platforms. As for each platform, you need to assess the performance of different courier partners in the destination country to understand the differences between the shipping and delivery experiences.
In this case, in addition to using TrackingMore's e-commerce integrations, pass the e-commerce platform associated with each shipment to the "logistics channel" parameter so the global filter in the "Analytics" section can help you get an overview instantly.

6. Build multiple brands

Suppose you're selling products under different brands, and shipping is handled by different courier partners. As your business expands, more couriers are involved, and you decide to develop a shipping time calculator.
Considering there are so many brands, different statistics are needed. By passing the brand name to the "logistics channel" and using each as a filter, you can quickly view "Delivery days distribution," as well as the average, P95, and max. "Delivery days by carrier" and "Delivery days by country."

Delivery Days Reports - TrackingMore Analytics
What's more, your logistics team needs to keep customer service reps in the loop, especially when there is a delivery issue. In this case, the "logistics channel" parameter containing the brand name can help quickly determine the right point of contact.

7. Offer shipment analytics to customers effortlessly

If you're a data analyst at a B2B logistics company, and some big customers wish to get in-depth shipment analytics, take advantage of the "logistics channel" parameter so it won't be drudgery.
After tracking information is automatically populated by TrackingMore, you can easily custom view and access the real-time analytics whenever you need. Moreover, you can set up the "Periodic export" to get the data delivered to your designated email address without breaking a sweat.

Updated on: 29/10/2024

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