Origin & Destination Country Tracking
TrackingMore automatically updates tracking information for both origin and destination country for international shipments of postal service (e.g. China Post, USPS). All the tracking checkpoints from both the couriers or locations are clubbed together under a single tracking number for a better understanding. However, not all destination postal service provides tracking info and TrackingMore may not support tracking of the destination courier.
CSV Import
Specify destination_country with the ISO Alpha-2 (two letters) country code within appropriate columns of the sheet.
Tracking API
Specify destination_country_iso2 when adding a tracking number via POST/trackings with the ISO Alpha-2 (two letters) country code
Origin country cannot be specified as it is automatically inserted once origin country courier is detected.
CSV Import
Specify destination_country with the ISO Alpha-2 (two letters) country code within appropriate columns of the sheet.
Tracking API
Specify destination_country_iso2 when adding a tracking number via POST/trackings with the ISO Alpha-2 (two letters) country code
Origin country cannot be specified as it is automatically inserted once origin country courier is detected.
Updated on: 23/03/2023
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