TrackingMore Introduction
TrackingMore, the world leading E-Commerce tracking solution, helps businesses improve customers' post-purchase experience. Advantages of TrackingMore Access to 1000+ couriers Stability and rapidity performance 24/7 global customer service various options for business retailer to choose Key features: Multiple Import methods Trackingmore provides multiple import methods for you to upload tracking number to Trackingmore platform. Single parcel import, multiple parcel import and CFew readersCreate a TrackingMore account
To get started with TrackingMore, you need to create an new account. Once you complete the account setup process, you will automatically get a 7-day trial subscription (No credit card required) to try all TrackingMore's amazing tracking features. Upon the expiration of the trial, you will automatically switch to Free plan. Create an account Go to the TrackingMore Sign Up and set up your account Enter business details, and set password will be gFew readers