Remove/Delete your TrackingMore account
TrackingMore account can be deleted directly by yourself. If you are a free plan, you can delete your account directly by the following steps: Go to settings—>click “security"-->click “delete” —>fill in password & confirm—>choose at least one reason & fill in details—>click "continue" to make it done Settings—>Security Click "delete" (https://storageFew readersHow to Manage User Roles on TrackingMore
Roles provide different levels of access to members based on the task they perform. TrackingMore allows you to grant role-based access to members. When inviting members to the TrackingMore, you can control the privileges of the members by assigning different roles to them. 📢 What you'll learn In this tutorial, we will discuss: How to add or remove a member in TrackingMore How to transfer ownership FAQs How to add or remove a member in TrackingMore Go to TrackingMore Settings (https:Few readersHow to Change My TrackingMore Password?
To change your TrackingMore account password Sign in your TrackingMore account Go to Settings >>Security Settings—>Security Click Update in "Update Password" section Click "update" Follow the step to change your password Enter Password to Update (httFew readersAuto-correct Couriers with TrackingMore
TrackingMore auto-corrects any wrong courier info and updates the tracking status. When enabled, it helps solve shipments incorrectly showing "Not found". ➡️ Modify settings for accurate carrier auto-correction Go to your TrackingMore settings Couriers Enable the feature of "auto-correction" if you are under the lower plan than plus plan by clicking "enable" & go to upgrade to $39 or higher pFew readers